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Hibernian Player Robert Wilson, Managers & Teammates

Wilson, Robert

Games Played41 [Show all]
Games Started41
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
McMichael, Dan41

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Girdwood, Neil38
Templeton, Bobby38
Kerr, Peter37
Smith, William35
Allan, William34
Hendren, James34
Paterson, Matthew34
Grosart, Alex31
Fleming, Samuel20
Wood, John20
McColl, Connell18
Aitken, John15
Lennie, Robert12
Reid, Robert7
Fleming, Daniel5
Stevenson, David5
Anderson, Robert4
Callaghan, Patrick4
Lamb, John4
MacDougall, William3
Birrell, Thomas2
Abercrombie, Archibald1
Campbell, Charles1
Dornan, William1
Gordon, David1
Gough, Harold1
Kilpatrick, Thomas1
McGinnigle, William1
Paton, John1
Spink, Thomas1
Williamson, James1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Girdwood, Neil38
Templeton, Bobby38
Kerr, Peter37
Smith, William35
Allan, William34
Hendren, James34
Paterson, Matthew34
Grosart, Alex31
Fleming, Samuel20
Wood, John20
McColl, Connell18
Aitken, John15
Lennie, Robert12
Reid, Robert7
Fleming, Daniel5
Stevenson, David5
Anderson, Robert4
Callaghan, Patrick4
Lamb, John4
MacDougall, William3
Birrell, Thomas2
Abercrombie, Archibald1
Campbell, Charles1
Dornan, William1
Gordon, David1
Gough, Harold1
Kilpatrick, Thomas1
McGinnigle, William1
Paton, John1
Spink, Thomas1
Williamson, James1

Current Comments

3 comments so far (post your own)

Wilson, Robert

Signed From :- Kirkintilloch Rob Roy
Sold To :- ?

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 30/03/2011 - 17:50

From page 6 of the publication listed below :-

"Hibs' young American right-winger Bobby Wilson .... Bobby Wilson had been an inspired signing by Dan McMichael the previous season, and Bobby's goals had been instrumental in Hibs reaching the Scottish Cup final."

Source :- "The Making of Hibernian 1914-1946 The Romantic Years" by Alan Lugton (John Donald Publishers, 1998)

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 03/06/2011 - 18:08

Born in Chicago , he was known as "Yank" at Easter Road. He died just a few days before the end of World War One in November 1918.

Source(s) :- "World War One and Scottish Football - A Season by Season Review 1914/15 - 1918/19" by Alan Brown ;

"Daily Record - Thursday 28 November 1918" (edited by moderator)

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 16/02/2015 - 02:40

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