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List of Referees Involved in Celtic Games

Referee List:- 205 Referees. Page 1 of 3

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Aitken, GregAlexander, HughAllan, Crawford
Allison, MrAnderson, EuanAnderson, Willie
Aytekin, Deniz (Germany)Baillie, JBanti, Luca (Italy)
Bastien, Benoît (France)Beaton, JohnBebek, Ivan (Croatia)
Bell, WilliamBenquerenca, Olegario (Portugal)Bezborodov, Vladislav (Russia)
Boiko, Sergiy (Ukraine)Boyko, Sergey (Ukraine)Braamhaar, Eric (Holland)
Brines, IainBrittle, WBrown, WJ
Brych, Felix (Germany)Buquet, Ruddy (France)Callaghan, J
Callaghan, JimCampbell, MrChapron, Tony (France)
Charleston, CraigClancy, KevinClark, Kenny
Collum, WillieColvin, BrianConroy, Steve
Crawford, AllanCrombie, WDale, M.C.
Dallas, AndrewDallas, HughDavidson, R
Davidson, R.H.de Sousa, Manuel (Portugal)Di Bello, Marco (Italy)
Dickinson, DavidDougal, StuartDuarte Paixão, Bruno Miguel (Portugal)
Duncan, GavinDuncan, JimDurieux, Alain (Luxembourg)
Faichnie, MrFerguson, AFerguson, Alan
Fernandez Borbalan, DavidFinnie, StephenFoote, I.M.D.
Foote, IanFrankowski, Bartosz (Poland)Freeland, Alan
Gebbie, ABGil, Pawel (Poland)Gishamer, Sebastian (Austria)
Gordon, JGordon, J.R.P.Graham, Chris
Gumienny, Serge (Germany)Hamer, Alain (Luxembourg)Hardie, Ross
Harvie, ?Hategan, Ovidiu (Romania)Henderson, A
Herald, JHernández Hernández, Alejandro José (Spain)Hope, D
Hope, DouglasHope, K.J.Hope, Kenny
Irvine, GrantIvanov, Sergei (Russia)Jackson, J
Jovic, Fran (Croatia)Jug, Matej (Slovenia)Karasev, Sergey (Russia)
Kirkham, FredKlossner, Stephan (Switzerland)Koukoulakis, Michalis (Greece)
Kovacs, Istvan (Romania)Kralovec, Pavel (Czech Republic)Kruzliak, Ivan (Slovakia)
Lahoz, Antonio Miguel Matéu (Spain)Lannoy, Stéphane (France)Lardot, Jonathan (Belgium)
Leishman, A.H.Liddell, D.J. (Glasgow)MacDermid, Matthew
MacKenzie, A.Madden, BobbyMakkelie, Danny (Holland)
Malek, Robert (Poland)Mann, MAManzano, Jesús Gil (Spain)

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