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Hibernian Player Allan Martin, Managers & Teammates

Martin, Allan

Date of Birth1873
Signed FromRangers
Sold ToCeltic
Games Played81 [Show all]
Games Started81
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Murray, Pat77
Breslin, Bernard72
Kennedy, John67
McFarlane, Thomas65
Smith, William50
Murphy, Joseph44
McCall, Patrick37
Pryce, John35
Dougal, George32
Robertson, Alex26
Raisbeck, Alex25
Robertson, Thomas25
Howie, Alexander23
McGeachan, James21
Murphy, James21
Donnelly, Willie20
Rooney, Hugh18
Neill, Robert16
Atherton, Bobby11
McGinn, James9
Cowan, Patrick8
Glen, Robert8
McGuigan, Andrew8
Amos, Charles7
Murray, Michael7
Nelson, Andrew7
Quigley, John7
Handling, Hamilton5
Mercer, William4
Porter, William4
Devine, Charles3
Brady, Arthur2
McWattie, George2
Miller, William2
Murphy, James2
Palmer, John2
Scott, John2
Smith, Paddy2
Barnes, ?1
Brodigan, James1
Clark, ?1
Devlin, ?1
Doyle, Pat1
Gemmell, Thomas1
Goldie, ?1
Hutchison, Adam1
Mitchell, John1
Murphy, Jo1
Reid, James1
Rourke, ?1
Stoner, Henry1
Traynor, Arthur1
Trialist, ?1
Trialist, ?1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Murray, Pat77
Breslin, Bernard72
Kennedy, John67
McFarlane, Thomas65
Smith, William50
Murphy, Joseph44
McCall, Patrick37
Pryce, John35
Dougal, George32
Robertson, Alex26
Raisbeck, Alex25
Robertson, Thomas25
Howie, Alexander23
McGeachan, James21
Murphy, James21
Donnelly, Willie20
Rooney, Hugh18
Neill, Robert16
Atherton, Bobby11
McGinn, James9
Cowan, Patrick8
Glen, Robert8
McGuigan, Andrew8
Amos, Charles7
Murray, Michael7
Nelson, Andrew7
Quigley, John7
Handling, Hamilton5
Mercer, William4
Porter, William4
Devine, Charles3
Brady, Arthur2
McWattie, George2
Miller, William2
Murphy, James2
Palmer, John2
Scott, John2
Smith, Paddy2
Barnes, ?1
Brodigan, James1
Clark, ?1
Devlin, ?1
Doyle, Pat1
Gemmell, Thomas1
Goldie, ?1
Hutchison, Adam1
Mitchell, John1
Murphy, Jo1
Reid, James1
Rourke, ?1
Stoner, Henry1
Traynor, Arthur1
Trialist, ?1
Trialist, ?1

Current Comments

1 comments so far (post your own)

Career :- Northern 1889/Rangers 1892/Hibernian 1 June 1893/Celtic 4 June 1895/Hibernian 22 June 1896 until 1899.

Allan Martin, a furnaceman in an iron works, was a centre-forward who had a good strike-rate for both Hibs and Celtic.

Source :- "An Alphabet of the Celts - A Complete Who's Who of Celtic F.C." by Eugene MacBride, Martin O'Connor & George Sheridan. (edited by moderator)

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 20/08/2012 - 13:07

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