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Hibernian Manager David Peter Gray, Players Selected

Gray, David Peter

Games12 [Show all]
Won5 (41.67%)
Drawn3 (25.00%)
Lost4 (33.33%)
Goals Scored16
Goals Lost12
Gray, David Peter also played for the club [See Player Details]

Players Selected in Starting Lineup

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup
Newell, Joseph Peter12
Stevenson, Lewis10
Campbell, Josh9
Hanlon, Paul9
Macey, Matt8
McGinn, Paul7
Boyle, Martin6
Porteous, Ryan6
Cadden, Christopher5
Clarke, Harrison Thomas5
Doyle-Hayes, Jake5
Henderson, Ewan5
Bushiri Kisonga, Rocky4
Doig, Josh4
Melkersen, Elias Hoff4
Scott, James Ryan4
Nisbet, Kevin3
Vente, Dylan3
Jeggo, James2
Maolida, Myziane2
Marshall, David James2
McGregor, Darren2
Miller, Lewis2
Murphy, James2
Obita, Jordan John2
Triantis, Nectarios2
Wollacot, Joseph Luke2
Youan, Thody Élie2
Doidge, Christian Rhys1
Fish, William Thomas1
Gogić, Alex1

Players Selected (including used substitutes)

PlayerNum Times Played
Newell, Joseph Peter12
Stevenson, Lewis11
Campbell, Josh10
Hanlon, Paul9
Macey, Matt8
Boyle, Martin7
McGinn, Paul7
Doig, Josh6
Doyle-Hayes, Jake6
Porteous, Ryan6
Bushiri Kisonga, Rocky5
Cadden, Christopher5
Clarke, Harrison Thomas5
Doidge, Christian Rhys5
Henderson, Ewan5
Melkersen, Elias Hoff5
Scott, James Ryan5
Jasper, Sylvester Alexander4
Le Fondre, Adam4
Murphy, James3
Nisbet, Kevin3
Obita, Jordan John3
Vente, Dylan3
Delferrière, Allan Michaël2
Fish, William Thomas2
Gogić, Alex2
Jeggo, James2
Maolida, Myziane2
Marshall, David James2
McGregor, Darren2
Miller, Lewis2
Triantis, Nectarios2
Wollacot, Joseph Luke2
Youan, Thody Élie2
Aiken, Murray1
Allan, Scott1
Amos, Luke Ayodele1
Blaney, Jacob1
Hamilton, Robbie1
Levitt, Dylan James1
MacIntyre, Oscar1
Mitchell, Demetri Kareem1
Molotnikov, Rudi Allan1
Moriah-Welsh, Nathan Daniel1
Mueller, Christopher Matthew1
Tavares, Jair Veiga Vieira1
Wright, Drey Jermaine1

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