On This Day
Results on this day in history
Date | Venue | Competition (Round) | Opponent | Result | Score |
14/01/1967 | Home | Scottish League (Division Two (old) / 23) | Raith Rovers | L | 1-6 |
14/01/1961 | Home | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 21) | St Mirren | L | 1-2 |
14/01/1956 | Away | Scottish League (Division Two (old) / 23) | St Johnstone | L | 0-2 |
14/01/1950 | Away | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 20) | Heart of Midlothian | L | 0-1 |
14/01/1939 | Home | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 26) | Queen of the South | L | 0-1 |
14/01/1933 | Home | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 28) | Morton | W | 2-0 |
14/01/1928 | Home | Scottish League (Division Two (old) / 25) | Alloa Athletic | W | 5-0 |
14/01/1922 | Home | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 27) | Albion Rovers | D | 2-2 |
14/01/1911 | Away | Scottish League (Division One (old) / 25) | Morton | W | 3-2 |
14/01/1899 | Home | Scottish Cup (R1) | Arthurlie | W | 4-1 |