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Scotland Players Capped Per Club

Players Capped When Playing With

Cap List: 148 Player - 1448 Caps

PlayerCaps With ClubTotal Caps
Aitken, Roy5057
Armstrong, Stuart653
Auld, Robert33
Bain, Scott33
Battles, Bernard33
Beattie, Craig47
Bell, John510
Bennett, Alexander311
Blessington, James44
Boyd, Thomas6672
Brogan, James44
Brown, Scott5255
Browning, John11
Burchill, Mark66
Burley, Craig William1646
Burns, Thomas88
Caldwell, Gary1655
Campbell, John1212
Cassidy, Joseph44
Chalmers, Stephen55
Christie, Ryan2059
Clark, John44
Collins, John Angus Paul3258
Collins, Robert Young2231
Commons, Kristian512
Connelly, George22
Craig, James Philip11
Craig, Joseph11
Crainey, Stephen412
Crerand, Patrick Timothy1116
Cringan, William55
Crum, John22
Dalglish, Kenneth Mathieson47102
Deans, Dixie22
Delaney, James1015
Divers, John11
Divers, John11
Dodds, Joseph33
Donnelly, Simon1010
Douglas, Robert1819
Dowds, Peter11
Doyle, Daniel88
Evans, Robert4548
Fernie, William1212
Forrest, James3939
Fox, Daniel14
Galloway, Michael11
Gemmell, Thomas1818
Gilchrist, John Wotherspoon11
Glavin, Ronald Michael11
Gordon, Craig1481
Gould, Jonathan22
Grant, Peter22
Griffiths, Leigh1822
Groves, William23
Haffey, Francis22
Hartley, Paul1125
Haughney, Michael11
Hay, David2727
Hay, James811
Hendry, Jack734
Hogg, Robert Brown11
Hughes, John88
Hunter, Alistair Robert24
Jackson, Darren828
Johnston, Maurice1038
Johnstone, James2323
Kelly, James78
Kennaway, James11
Kennedy, James66
Kennedy, John11
King, Alexander46
Lambert, Paul3140
Lennox, Robert1010
Loney, William22
Macari, Lou624
MacKay, Duncan1414
MacLeod, Murdo Davidson520
Madden, John22
Maley, William22
Maloney, Shaun1047
Marshall, David247
Marshall, Gordon George Banks11
Marshall, Henry James Hall22
McArthur, Daniel33
McAtee, Andrew11
McAvennie, Francis15
McBride, Joseph22
McClair, Brian John430
McGarvey, Francis Peter57
McGonagle, William66
McGrain, Daniel Fergus6262
McGregor, Allan244
McGregor, Callum6161
McGrory, James Edward77
McInally, Thomas Bruce22
McKeown, Thomas Michael22
McKinlay, Thomas Valley2222
McLaren, James23
McLean, Adam44
McLeod, Donald44
McMahon, Alexander66
McManus, Stephen2226
McMenemy, James1212
McNair, Alexander1515
McNamara, Jackie3033
McNeill, Billy2929
McPhail, John55
McStay, Paul Michael Lyons7676
McStay, William1313
Meechan, Peter11
Miller, Kenneth669
Miller, William66
Mochan, Neil33
Morgan, Lewis27
Mulgrew, Charlie2444
Murdoch, Robert W.1212
Murphy, Francis11
Napier, Charles Edward35
Nicholas, Charles620
O'Neil, Brian17
Orr, William33
Paterson, George Denholm22
Pearson, Stephen510
Provan, David Alexander1010
Quinn, James1111
Ralston, Anthony2020
Robson, Barry617
Russell, David Kennedy46
Scarff, Peter11
Simpson, Ronald Campbell55
Smith, Jamie22
Smith, John Eric22
Somers, Peter44
Storrier, David33
Taylor, Greg John1314
Thomson, Alexander33
Thomson, John44
Thomson, Robert Austin11
Tierney, Kieran1249
Turnbull, David55
Walker, Andrew33
Wallace, William Semple Brown47
Whyte, Derek412
Wilson, Mark11
Wilson, Paul11
Wilson, Peter44
Young, James11

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